
Factors the Affect Laser Hair Removal for Men

Posted on 26 January 2023

laser hair removal for men

Despite its effectiveness, laser hair removal for men is often still regarded with mystery. Many men enjoy the convenience, precision, and effectiveness of laser hair removal in Toronto, yet many questions still surround the service. The team at Toronto Laser Hair Removal is here to answer all of your questions about laser hair removal for men, including what factors may affect the results. For more assistance, book a consultation with our laser hair removal specialists. 

Read on to learn more about what may affect the results of laser hair removal for men in Toronto.

Hair Colour

Blonde and red hair have lower pigments, making it more difficult for the laser to target the hair follicle. While it is possible for blonde and red hair to be treated with laser hair removal in Toronto, it may take more sessions to guarantee every single hair follicle is damaged and unable to produce new hair. Dark hair is more manageable for the laser to target and requires fewer sessions to treat the preferred area. Essentially, the higher the contrast between the skin and the hair, the more efficient and effective hair removal.

Skin Tone

Laser hair removal will have the best results on fair skin with dark hair due to the contrast between the hair and skin. However, it doesn’t mean that laser hair removal for men only works on people with fair skin. At Toronto Laser Hair Removal, we use the Candela GentleMax Pro, which is designed to bypass melanin absorption to accurately detect hair follicles and remove them on darker skin tones. If you’re unsure if laser hair removal is for you or have questions, contact Toronto Laser Hair Removal for a consultation. Our specialists will walk you through our technology and how you can achieve the best results.


Believe it or not, hormones may significantly impact your laser hair removal results. Hair growth is stimulated by hormones, so laser hair removal results vary from person to person. Because of the testosterone levels in men, hair grows at a faster rate than compared to women, so you may need more than six sessions of laser hair removal. To determine how many sessions you’ll require, book a consultation with our laser specialists for expert advice and guidance. 

Hair Growth Cycle

Your hair growth cycle is an important aspect that will impact your laser hair removal results. During your appointment, the laser will only target hair in the anagen phase — which is only about 20% of body hair at once. The anagen phase is the only time when the hair and the follicle link, allowing the laser to damage the follicle and prevent hair from growing back. Because one session only treats a fraction of hair in the preferred area, that’s why it takes a minimum of six sessions. For best results, stay diligent with your predetermined laser hair removal schedule.

Visit Toronto Laser Hair Removal 

Laser hair removal is an excellent way to remove hair. It’s convenient, effective, and will deliver permanent results. To know if laser hair removal is best for you, book a consultation today.

Contact Toronto Laser Hair Removal today.

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